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Älmhult Public Realm

The Swedish landscape


Älmhult, Sweden


55.000 sqm


Masterplanning, Strategy, Storytelling, Concept Design



One of the larger provinces in Sweden, Småland is known for its rich nature including forests, lakes, meadows, rough landscapes and wild nature.

This ambitious project is located in the very south of that region, Älmhult, a small quiet town with a few daytime and evening activities, and home to 17,000 inhabitants, whose majority works for IKEA.

Inspiration and First Ideas

Dotted with thousands of lakes, freshwater streams, mountains and rolling hills, Sweden’s landscape was the inspiration and starting point for our concept in Älmhult.

From the organic and smooth streams of its rivers to the intense and sharp edges of its mountains, Älmhult’s open landscape was reflected in the masterplan and customer journey of our intervention through an abundance of triangles and curves that reciprocate the intended mood in their respective locations.


In the hometown of Ikea, Älmhult, Sweden, we have connected the puzzle pieces by creating a multifunctional space that connects the local school area with its surroundings. Each zone had its own flavour and style. While the Östra Esplanaden acts as a transition space with blended layers of complementary experiences to create a playful path, the school area is the main square of daily attraction for families through its fun and active topography. Inspired by iconic IKEA products, we incorporated a few playful designed elements along the way that serve to establish connections between the unique zones within the larger area.